The musings of Alysson🪆

I can use words????

Blogging doesn't have to be hard. No really it doesn't have to be hard. I'm saying that more for myself. I tried to add a blog with the Zonelets script on my site, but it was giving me a lot of grief and was ultimately taking too much time to figure out for the amount of {future}writing. I just wanted to use writing to express myself; since ultimately that is the reason I created my site in the first place.

Anyway, I am here now! Even though this is my first blogpost, I can already tell I will really enjoy using Bear! I've had the realization lately that writing may just be my saving grace. I've got all of these scattered thoughts on the daily that would just make more sense to me and others if I wrote them down a little. It doesn't even have to be quote 'Good'!! Anything counts 🧚‍♀️✨ I feel like that's even more true when it's a journal-esque post about your life. Just think! There's only one unique hopefully-lovely you!!

Anyways. Today I am being lazy. Tomorrow I have to travel 2 1/2 hours for a small procedure at 8:40 AM. Ughhhhhh. I guess I need it though.. It's a routine appointment I have to get Botox injections to relax my nerve-damaged bladder muscles. How weird right!?!?! It does help though, so I guess I'm not too upset about it. We also usually get Sonic on the way back. Tater tots and a milkshake yay!
Back to today- that's why I'm just... hanging around I guess. Last week I got my wisdom teeth out, so I really feel like I'm being battered like a Looney Tune for the last two weeks. (The teeth felt like being slapped with a 2x4 board) They are a lot better now, but still sore-ish. So.... after my injections, I will hopefully not have anything come up that would require anesthesia (or anything of the sorts). I wanna be able to enjoy the beauty of summer! I want to have this indwelling catheter I had to get back after my sepsis episode sepsisode —out!!

Anyway. That's my first post done! I already have ideas for some other things I'd like to write! If you've read this; I hope you have a wonderful day!! ʚ♡ɞ