The musings of Alysson🪆

Good day!

You can tell it's the first day of August because of how gross and balmy it is outside. This is the sort of day where I am MORE than glad to just stay inside and not get depressed about it. Though I did have to go to the local hospital today for some imaging (it's a traumatic place I hate it), but it was for the greater good since it relates to insurance approving my HBO no not that one with the dragons therapy in a timely manner. Then after that I came right back home and came inside! I made a yummy little sandwich for lunch! Pita bread with mayo spread on it and bagel seasoning on top, then salami, some cheese, lettuce and pickles. LOL, maybe that is a weirdo sandwich (all of mine often are), but I don't care much because it was good.

Then I came upstairs and put my new headphones on (i got them on a deal! they turned out to be sensory heaven; I hated my little earbuds.), and did some exercise. Which was oddly moving in a way because I didn't make it hard by searching online for a routine before as I usually do; I just did what felt good. Lot of things I remembered from the hours on hours of physical therapy! I listened to some metal and also Charli xcx while I did it.

Usually, when I write these posts I take a while since I edit myself in some attempt to sound more,,, put together??? Idk. Not sure. I am not doing that for this one however! I want to make my blog posts something more routine. I have really enjoyed writing lately; as a method to cope and better understand myself mostly. I STILL havent found my spark for my intense epic fantasy world. Anyways, besides my exercise (also needs to become routine), I worked on some coding after that. Also played some games with my brother too. The night is full of potential! Maybe I'll work on some sewing. Maybe I'll actually pick up a ball of yarn for the first time in MONTHS. Who knows!

Anyways I'm starting to get hungry, so I will go make my dinner now!

Song of the post- New Way Out by Poppy