The musings of Alysson🪆

Brain stew!

I'm tired of thinking CONSTANTLY. I am literally the 'thought daughter' meme because I will think my life apart to the point where I need new material and start having these big brain philosophy thoughts. Like how do you stop this? I understand I need to slow my life down at least a little bit, to detach myself from the constant need to be entertained. I'm not a huge doomscroller, but I find other ways to keep my attention on anything other than ~the moment~. If that makes sense even... hey maybe it did but i think I might have used too many buzzwords
So, here I am. Just thinking about a way for me to improve my life little by little. I think a big part of my strategy to overcome this is to quit thinking about why I am the way I am and just think outwardly. Oh and that DOES NOT include thinking about why the people I know are the way they are. I've been thinking about a lot of things that are a lot more... happy. I don't know. I've been feeling okay lately! I've been really inspired while I code. I've figured out some of the problems that I was having. Overall, I've been feeling better lately.

This post hasn't been too long, but I don't want to force it. This is just a little blurble about my life.